Category: Therapeutic Approaches

  • How Spirituality Can Help The Healing Process in Therapy?

    Spirituality can be a powerful aspect of your helping process, whether you take your form of spirituality into your therapy sessions or not. It was for me, but I know not everyone is like me. Spirituality may have a vital place in your life, or you may not have a place for spirituality in your…

  • My Approach to Problematic Substance Use and Behaviours

    My approach to problematic substance use and behaviours starts with understanding the root cause and the role that the substance use or problematic behaviour has for you. I can work with you from either an abstinence or harm reduction model. I will focus on working with you to understand their relationship to the substance or…

  • What is Mindfulness?

    Mindfulness is the practice of fully attending to the present moment without judgment. The options of how to practice mindfulness are almost limitless. Additionally, there are many benefits to a regular mindfulness practice. What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is the practice of fully attending to what’s happening, to what you’re doing, and what is happening in…

  • What is Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)?

    Cognitive Processing Therapy is a type of cognitive behaviour therapy that has been found to be very effective for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It involves 12 structured sessions. It works by changing thoughts that are preventing people from healing from their trauma. What is Cognitive Processing Therapy? Cognitive processing therapy (CPT) is a structured type…

  • Why Your Coping Techniques May Not Be Working for You?

    You may find it frustrating when you do something that is recommended or are told that it will help you and it doesn’t work for you. There are reasons why your coping techniques may not be working for you. There are things that therapists sometimes do that can play into this. As well as barriers…

  • What is Pain Reprocessing Therapy?

    Pain Reprocessing Therapy is a therapeutic modality based on chronic pain and neuroscience research. It is a system of psychological techniques that retrain the brain away from threat causing pain towards a better sense of safety. There is a strong research study that supports its use for nociplastic pain. What is Pain Reprocessing Therapy? Pain…

  • What is Nociplastic Pain and Why is it Treatable?

    Nociplastic pain is one of three main types of pain. It is the main type of pain behind chronic pain. It is just as real as the types of pain that are more based on structural issues, such as nerve damage or broken bones. There are ways to figure out if the pain is nociplastic…

  • My Approach to Grief Counselling

    Grief can be very challenging, confusing and distressing for you to deal with. Grief Counselling can help you process that grief. Furthermore, grief is not something that completely resolves, but something that you come to terms with. The pain and suffering usually starts to lessen over time with moments of grief that come up when…

  • What is the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)?

    What is Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)? The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is an evidence-based listening therapy designed to reduce sound sensitivities and improve auditory processing, behavioural state regulation, and social engagement behaviours through filtered music. As a practical application of Polyvagal Theory, the Safe and Sound Protocol acts as a non-invasive, acoustic vagal…

  • What is Polyvagal Theory

    Polyvagal theory is based on the influence of the vagus nerve on different physiological (body) processes as well as psychological states. It also describes how there can be nervous system dysregulation and the process to gain more regulation in the nervous system. The Vagus Nerve The Vagus Nerve is the longest cranial nerve in the…